Marichi's Pose (Bound) / Marichyasana
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Marichi--variously a deity, sage, king or teacher. Begin in Dandasana. Draw up your right knee, sole to floor, heel to perineum; keep your leftt leg straight out before you. Bend forward, chin to shin, torso inside your raised right knee. Reach your right arm around the outside of your right knee and behind your back. Reach your left arm back around and join hands. Return to Dandasana, switch legs and repeat.


Variation 1

Repeat, but with your right leg folded back on the floor, heel to your perineum, in half-butterfly: Marichyasana B1. Return to Danda, switch legs, repeat.

Variation 2

Repeat, but with right leg folded and tucked in half-lotus: Marichyasana B2. Return to Danda, switch legs, repeat.

Variation 3

Repeat, but with right leg folded back kneeling, heel outside butt: Marichyasana E. Return to Danda, switch legs, repeat.

Variation 4

From a seated right-foot-behind-head, take the left leg, bend the knee up, and plant the sole close in; then reach around that knee with your left hand, and around your back with the opposite hand, and bring the hands as close together as possible: Marichyasana G. Return to Danda, switch legs, repeat.


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